mashup 混搭(網站) mashable 可混搭的(網路功能)
a "Hail Mary" pass 最後一刻為求反敗為勝的奮力一搏;敗陣前的全力掙扎;置之死地而後生的一搏;【盡地一煲】(港式中文)
the Holy Grail ;人人想要卻不可能得到的必勝法寶
routing; route calculation; get direction (from Google maps) 規劃路線
critically acclaimed; critical acclaim 專家推崇
critical mass 多/大到起作用
Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, theorize. 做[不來|而劣]則教,教[不來|而劣]則搞理論。
D.C. has converted the U.S. into a nation of Wal-Mart greeters. 政府的不當經濟措施,讓全民變成天天向廉價大賣場報到的苦老百姓。||政府把全民搞窮了。(Wal-Mart greeter的意義經與美國有人查證,我可能搞錯了,所以還在斟酌中。)
delever; deleverage (資金;資產)去槓桿化;「去槓」
moral hazard 道德風險
credit default swap (CDS) 信用違約交換
mortgage-backed security (MBS) 房貸抵押證券
asset-backed security (ABS) 資產抵押證券
government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) 政府資助企業
dead cat bounce 跌深反彈--死貓落地也會彈起
unravel vi. vt. (趨勢)消退、退燒、降溫;(價格)回落、回跌 The global growth story continues to unravel. 全球的成長題材持續消退。 Commodities unravel. 商品(繼續)退燒;商品價格回落
夯 hot; all the rage
白目;小白;狀況外;瞎 clueless
躬逢其盛 I [was there/was present/witness] the grand occasion.
雷;雷文;文中有雷 spoiler; contains spoilers; spoiler alert
白手套 legal front for illegal act; unsuspected middleman for illegal act
污點證人 prosecution witness; state witness
衛道人士 defender of traditional moral values
樂活;樂活族 LOHAS; LOHAS believers/practitioners
宅;宅男 nerdy; nerd
戒慎恐懼;臨深履薄 I'm cautious and watchful (of the development|event|situation).||I'm dealing with the matter with care and caution.
法拍屋 foreclosed homes
心理素質(cn) mental quality; mental qualification
聲押 = 聲請羈押 (prosecutor) seek to detain (someone)
收押禁見 be detained and held incommunicado
2 週前